Schiphol Amsterdam International Airport by night

Schiphol Amsterdam International Airport by night

Major European hub airport announces plans to ban overnight flights

Schiphol has targeted night-time cessation by the end of 2025 at the latest, with an additional move to outlaw all private jets.

In a measure to reduce noise pollution, Schiphol Airport is proposing a ban on take-offs and landings at night, with plans for a new runway at the site near Amsterdam also being shelved. Airport bosses are also looking at stopping private jets using the airport, and banning loud and outdated aircraft from utilising Schipol’s facilities.

The airport’s interim CEO, Ruud Sondag, said: “Schiphol connects the Netherlands with the rest of the world. We want to keep doing that, but we must do it better. The only way forward is to become quieter and cleaner more rapidly. We have thought about growth but too little about its impact for too long.

“We need to be sustainable for our employees, the local environment and the world. I realise that our choices may have significant implications for the aviation industry, but they are necessary. This shows we mean business. It is the only way, based on concrete measures, to regain the trust of employees, passengers, neighbours, politics and society.”

While 2025 is the target, the cessation of overnights flights could be in place by the end of 2024, with the proposals gradually phased in starting in November this year; it would mean all commercial passenger and cargo flights scheduled between midnight and 6am would be cut, with the only exception on issues of safety or emergency.

The decision will undoubtedly impact on holiday flights and Schiphol’s status as an important European hub, the news taking KLM by surprise. The national carrier issued a short statement in response, part of which read: “We are astonished that Schiphol is unilaterally putting forward proposals that will have far-reaching consequences for airlines, without involving the industry parties in this process.”

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